Gifts for Father

                                                                        Gifts for father 

In Nepal Fathers Day, the most promising day for respecting fathers is Gokarna Aunsi when all who can go Gokarna town, 8 kilometers gala of Kathmandu, to celebrate. Profoundly instilled in Nepalese religion, convention and society are respect for one's dad both in life and after death. No Hindu man unwinds until he has delivered a child, for it is the obligation of male posterity, for the most part, the eldest, to play out the cleaning ceremonies important to convey peace to the father's spirit after his body has been cremated. 

On this day individuals run to this holy place of worship of Shiva to respect the memory of their dad and advance the welfare of his spirit. Those with living fathers come too – men, ladies, and offspring of all statements of faith – to pay tribute to the spirits of their predecessors. They offer organic products eggs and desserts to Shiva and pinda to the souls of the dead(Gifts for father). 

Gokarna Aunsi, Which falls on Sept. this year is likewise a day to respect one's living father with endowments and a visit to his home. The day closes with a colossal family devour at which the father's favoring is presented on the whole gang.

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